Kimberly McLagan

Published in —
Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles

Find Peace throughout
Your Infertility Journey

Experience the power of prayer to overcome discouragement when struggling to conceive.

Get started with this FREE guide: “4-steps to Overcoming Your Infertility Fears and Worries”.

Discover God’s Path to Tranquility — no matter the outcome.

If you’re feeling alone, derailed, or placed on hold with your desire to have children, this blog is your sanctuary. 

Through prayer, you can overcome your infertility struggles, thrive in hope, and get God’s direction. He is more powerful than any problem you have.

Twice a month, you’ll find practical support and specific prayers to meet infertility challenges. 

Having experienced seven years of infertility, I understand what you are going through. It’s a hard hike, but the Lord is with you each step.

I care about you and want to help support your walk. Allow me to accompany you with uplifting prayer to address unexpected disappointments. 

Ready to reframe your fears and deal with discouragement? Get the FREE guide “4-steps to Overcoming Infertility Fears and Worries” below.

Read more encouraging words of God’s comfort on the blog.

Blooming orange flower on leafy stem. Scripture: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4

Where to Find Peace When Experiencing Miscarriage (Part 1)

After three years of battling infertility, I got news of a miscarriage I never thought I’d hear: “I’m sorry to have to tell you this,” the OB/GYN said with empathy as he handed me a tissue for tears. “You have miscarried.”  Miscarried? My eyes became pools of water. I braced myself to maintain composure as…
Read More Where to Find Peace When Experiencing Miscarriage (Part 1)
Green palm leaves in background. Scripture says: For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 NIV

How Can You Get Personal with God Using His Language of Love?

My parents gave me a gift to facilitate my walk with God. The present contained some touching surprises, including a personal language of love. When I folded back the tissue paper wrapped around the new ‘Study Bible’ they sent, I saw my name embossed in gold on the outside cover. ‘That’s nice,’ I thought. ‘But…
Read More How Can You Get Personal with God Using His Language of Love?