
Who Is Your Ultimate Prayer Partner? Part 2

Field of orange poppies. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. colossians 3:17 NIV

In Part 1, we discussed the importance of a married couple praying together during their infertility journey. If your spouse is already your prayer partner, congratulations! A resource for expanding your prayer life together will be offered at the end of this discussion. 

If you are still waiting for God to bond you and your spouse in prayer, be encouraged as I share how He chose to respond to me.  For those with a spouse who is not a prayer partner candidate, another prayer for finding a confidential prayer partner is offered below. Let’s chat about it.

Moving in the Right Direction

Each day for three years, I asked God to unite my husband and me in spirit. I sought His hand in fulfilling the verse a prayer team had shared with me:

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.      Colossians 2:2-3 NIV

In my heart, I knew God wanted Brian and me to partner together before Him in prayer. I forged on with optimism.

But monthly, ‘it’ still appeared.  My period. 

Equipped with the Scriptures and my growing faith, I surrendered my emotionally stricken state to the Lord. I needed to pray with someone. 

My mother had gone on a trip then, and no one in my prayer group answered my calls. I dragged around the house with a heavy, troubled spirit. Brian expressed his support when I shared I had gotten my period again, but I felt alone because I was the one who had the monthly physical reality check. 

A Break Through

My eyes welled with tears as I spilled out my frustration, “Forgive me if I’m prying where I shouldn’t be, but I need to know where you are in your faith. Am I doing something wrong? Why won’t you pray with me?” 

Brian put his arm around me as I wiped my wet face and said, “No. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you felt that way. You’re a wonderful wife. I do believe in Jesus, but I’ve always thought prayer was a private subject. What do you want me to do?” 

I asked him to lead us in prayer. Holding my hand, my husband started to pray. 

I will never forget the moment when my bottled-up frustration melted into a warm feeling of completeness. We were praying before God as one—a deep heart desire. It was the beginning of our spiritual journey. 

From that day on, we took turns leading prayer after meals or before bed. We included thanks for our blessings, asked for forgiveness for anything we knowingly or unknowingly did wrong, and requested to be parents. We promised to love our children, show them the way to Christ, and pray with them and for them. Sometimes, we would say The Lord’s Prayer. 

Over time we grew to be effective prayer partners, and it was as though a new fuel tank had been added to my spiritual engine. Within two weeks, we got our first major answer to prayer. After months of trying to figure out where to go for help with my unexplained infertility issues, three different sources referred me to the same specialist. God blessed us with direction.

If Your Husband Is Not Your Prayer Partner

For whatever reason, your husband may not pray with you. Keep praying for him and remember this promise in the Holy Bible—

For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife,  and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband.         1 Corinthians 7:14 NIV

While you are waiting for your husband’s involvement, pray for confidential prayer warriors to come into your life. That might include getting prayer support from a parent, sibling, close friend, your Bible study, a Christian infertility support group, or the prayer team at your church or another local church.

Does praying out loud sound intimidating? In my next post, I will provide you with an easy alternative to praying out loud.

You can Pray Now to Our God of the Holy Bible about Praying in One Accord

[If your husband is responsive to pray with you]: Lord,(your husband’s name) and I surrender ourselves to You and commit to pray together as one united spirit. We vow to patiently wait for You to give us the gift of children if it is Your will. 

We thank You for all the blessings we have received and enjoyed: the love in our marriage, our health in mind and body, our home, our sustenance, and all the wonderful works of nature You allow us to enjoy. We honor Your kingdom and thank You for Your righteous hand in our lives.

We humble ourselves before You—lift us up. (James 4:10) We confess our sins and pray that we may be healed and have children. (James 5:16) Make us aware of anything in our marriage that is not of You. Help us to know You better and take time to listen for Your direction.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.  Amen.
[If your husband is not receptive to praying with you]: Lord, please direct me to faithful believers who trust in Your power and will partner with me confidentially in prayer as I seek to have children. Prompt me to discern Your will of who to ask among my parents, siblings, close friends, Bible study, Christian infertility support group, the prayer team at church or another local church or group. Hear my call for support that brings glory to Your name.

I humble myself before You—lift me up. (James 4:10) I confess my sins and pray that I may be healed and have children. (James 5:16) Make me aware of anything in my life and marriage that is not of You. Help me to know You better and take time to listen for Your direction.

I/We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Moving Forward …

Ask Yourself This:

What words can I say to my spouse today to bless and uplift him? [If your prayer partner is not your spouse] How can I also pray and uplift my prayer partner?

Try This Challenge:

Enjoy insight from experts in the Focus on the Family series about joint prayer. Consider writing out a meaningful prayer for both of you to say together.

Share this link with a friend who might benefit from this post.

Until next time, peace be with you,


P. S. Consider sharing the FREE Guide “4 Steps to Overcome Fears and Worries” with your husband. Ask him if he wants to read the posts about Hope, Patience, and the Steps to Take to Draw Close to God Each Day.

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