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How Can You Get Personal with God Using His Language of Love?

Green palm leaves in background. Scripture says: For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 NIV

My parents gave me a gift to facilitate my walk with God. The present contained some touching surprises, including a personal language of love.

When I folded back the tissue paper wrapped around the new ‘Study Bible’ they sent, I saw my name embossed in gold on the outside cover. ‘That’s nice,’ I thought. ‘But I like my well-worn, marked-up Bible. What’s different about this one?’

As I explored my new Bible, I felt deep warmth in my heart as I read the handwritten dedication Mom and Dad wrote inside the cover:

May the Good Lord bless you and keep you in His arms. May He shine His countenance upon you and give you peace …may your walk with Jesus Christ be heralded throughout the earth.

Although the new Bible had in-depth footnotes to help with my Bible studies, I sensed that their gift held something more inside.

Then I found it—an amazing surprise in Psalm 91: 14-16. Mom had crossed out ‘he’ and ‘him’ in the verses and replaced those references with my name:

Discovering How to Use God’s Language of Love Actively

Because he she loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him Kimberly;
I will protect him Kimberly, for he she acknowledges my name.
He Kimberly will call on me, and I will answer him her
I will be with him Kimberly in trouble,
I will deliver him Kimberly and honor her him.
With long life I will satisfy him her
and show him her my salvation.” (Psalm 91:14-16 NIV)

What a gift to learn to pray using God’s language of loveHis promises and plans for me on such a personal level!

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)

Just as I had so deeply embraced the Lord’s Prayer as a personal prayer, I could insert my voice into God’s Words throughout the Bible. As He actively addressed my pain, fears, and deep desires, I could use His language of love as a prayer back to Him.

My new Bible not only had my name on it but also had God’s language of love in it personalized with my name. His words became the basis for my conversations with Him.

Look for Opportunities to Personalize God’s Language of Love

Personalizing God’s loving Words can make your prayer conversations with Him intimate. Using prompts from the authors of the Upper Room (a global Christian resource organization based in Nashville, TN), try these easy steps:

  1. Select a Scripture. For each verse, prayerfully insert your name as if it were addressed to you. (A list of Scriptures is at the end of this blog.)
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through meditation and prayer on the Words spoken.

       Where is God leading you in this conversation? Try this example:

  But now, this is what the Lord says—
He who created you,(your name)
He who formed you,(your name)
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1

Allow yourself to be quiet and listen. What does God have to say? If you have a journal, please write it down.

3. Ponder your response to God and enter it in your journal. Whether you’re happy, sad, or confused, God wants you to be upfront and tell Him truthfully how you feel.

Pray now and ask the God of the Holy Bible to help you Personalize your Scripture verses.

Lord God, experiencing the pain of infertility isolates me from others. I do not feel safe telling everyone my innermost thoughts. You’re a compassionate, listening God—the source of all love, knowledge, and wisdom—the Name above all names.

Thank you for providing me with Your language of love in the Bible, which now applies to me. Help me notice verses I can personalize with my name and use as a launching point for sharing my feelings and concerns. I ask Your Holy Spirit to lead me in our conversations. You know my words before I speak them (Psalm 139: 2, 4), and allow me to be candid. Signal me to listen closely and write down Your response.

Prompt me also to personalize the Scriptures with the names of family members and friends I lift up in prayer. I cherish Your every Word and want to maximize my time with You in the Holy Bible. I ask all this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Moving forward…

Ask yourself this:

Am I having a conversation with God that uses personalized words and promises He has provided me in the Bible?

As I continue to read a psalm daily, can I mark verses where I can insert my name and use them for my conversations with God?

Try these challenges:

Personalize your prayers by putting your name in these Scriptures (provided by the Upper Room). Meditate and pray with them, then record your thoughts and God’s response in your journal.

  • Joshua 1:9 Be Strong and Courageous!
  • Isaiah 43:1-4 Do Not Fear
  • Isaiah 43:15-19 A New Thing
  • Isaiah 55:1-3 Thirsty for More?
  • Jeremiah 1:4-8 God Knows You
  • Jeremiah 18:1-6 The Potter and the Clay
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13 Endurance in Temptation
  • James 1:2-4 Testing Leads to Maturity

How has personalizing the Scriptures impacted your conversations with God? I would love to hear from you! Please share this link with a friend who might be encouraged by this post.

Until next time,

Peace be with you,



P.S. You won’t want to miss the following posts that will equip you for your infertility journey: 


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