What Wisdom Do Infertile Couples in the Bible Offer?  Part 2

Young woman with a straw hat sitting in a chair holding a Bible in an open field with tall grass and. the sun setting on the horizon. Scripture: "For with God, nothing is ever impossible, and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment." Luke1:37 AMP

The wisdom I gained from the Bible stories of infertile couples Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob and Rachel (Part 1) challenged me to embrace their practices. The three generations of this family had a common denominator: their faith grew from self-sufficiency to reliance on God.

Demonstrating perseverance, humility, and faith despite their circumstances, their journeys include:

  • Praying persistently (together or individually) and dedicating years to God, without knowing if they ever would bear children; 
  • Humbling themselves and surrendering to His will instead of their plans; 
  • Bearing children who would fulfill God’s plans for His kingdom. 

What else does God reveal through the lives of the Bible’s “Timeless Infertility Support Group” who have walked the path of infertility in the Bible? Let’s chat about it.

Four more infertile households provide additional wisdom and insights

God chose to allow infertility for His purposes. What do you notice happening? 

4. Monoah (Judges 13:2-25) had a wife who was sterile and remained childless. An angel of the Lord appeared to her and announced that she would have a son, and he would be set apart from the womb until his death.

She shared this with her husband, and Monoah believed her! He asked God for direction to raise this future son.

God had a long-term plan:  SAMSON was born as promised. As one of the 12 Judges of Israel, God used Samson to initiate Israel’s freedom from Philistine oppression.

5.   When Elkanah and Hannah experienced infertility, Hannah trusted God and promised Him that if given a son, she would “give him to the Lord for all the days of his life…”  (1 Samuel 1). Elkanah prayed and worshiped with her.

God had a long-term plan: This couple’s prayers were answered with the birth of Samuel, whose life was dedicated to serving God. Samuel became Israel’s most outstanding judge. Hannah and Elkanah were blessed with five more children.

Two more role models of wisdom

6.  The Shunammite woman experienced infertility.  When she recognized the prophet Elisha as a holy man of God, she set aside her suffering and extended hospitality. (2 Kings 4: 8-36). 

God had a long-term plan: Elisha prophesied that the Shunammite woman would have a son, and she did. Years later, the child died suddenly. With faith in the one true God, the Shunammite woman pursued Elisha, knowing he could help. Elisha prayed over the child, and miraculously, his life was restored. 

The healing power of God was glorified when the Shunammite woman told a king about how her son had been brought back to life. (2 Kings 8:5-6 )

7Zechariah and Elizabeth (cousin to Mary, the mother of Jesus) faced infertility in their old age yet remained faithful and obedient to God’s commands. An angel appeared to Zechariah announcing that they would have a son to be named JOHN who would be “filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth.” (Luke 1: 11-38)

God had a long-term plan: John the Baptist paved the way for the Lord Jesus Christ by announcing that the kingdom of heaven was near and warning of God’s judgment. John invited all who heard him to repentance and baptism.

What wisdom and insights from these stories will empower your journey?

These stories teach us that:

  • Faith in God led to recognition of His power, surrender to His will, and forming character for raising children or nurturing whoever crossed their path. 
  • The four households conceived in God’s time and gave birth to children who were part of God’s plan.
  • The obedience of these couples and the children God chose to give them led to His glory being seen in His kingdom.

Additional insight is offered in the ‘Moving forward’ section below. What if God does not build our family the way we envision, and we do not get a miracle baby like the infertile couples in the Bible?

You can pray now for the God of the Holy Bible to help you embrace His wisdom. 

O Lord Almighty, You are our Creator, the Source of life. Help my husband and me to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12 NIV) like Your ‘Timeless Infertility Support Group’ in the Bible. As You humble and test us, allow us to recognize what You see in our hearts. (Deuteronomy 8:2 NIV)

Prompt us to make You our priority —focusing on You and not being absorbed with our circumstances. We want to honor the many blessings You give us and not be consumed by what we do not have. Continue to ingrain your commandments and precepts into our daily lives. Allow our marriage to fulfill Your plans for service in Your kingdom regardless of how You choose to shape our family.

If it is Your will, please give us children in Your perfect timing and use them for Your perfect plans. Help us shift our hearts from wanting children for our family to having children for the sake of Your kingdom.

Give us a thirst for the character of Jesus Christ, growing to serve others with kindness and hospitality. Prepare our home to honor You so our future children, or anyone entering our care,can be nurtured in Your love and words in the Bible.

Direct us to find prayer warriors and a faith community who can listen for Your response to prayers on our behalf. I ask this all in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Moving forward…

Ask yourself this:

Are my husband and I building a faith culture in our home that one day might show children, or anyone we are called to serve, how we honor God?

Are we willing to surrender to the path God allows our lives take for His purposes? What if God does not build our family the way we envision, and we do not get a miracle baby like the infertile couples in the Bible? Christian counselor Cody Newcome (wife and mother of three adopted children) who experienced years of infertility and suffered a miscarriage, offers this insight:

“Infertility has a way of revealing what we are depending on to bring us satisfaction. The relentless quest to have a child can devour years of a woman’s life, as she seeks to have the one thing she thinks will give her happiness. Along the way, she can miss the blessings God is giving her and she can become consumed by what she doesn’t have. In my struggles, God showed me from Psalm 4:7 that I can have lasting peace and gladness that is not dependent upon a successful pregnancy or a home full of children. He promises to be the One who satisfies us and put gladness in our hearts (Psalm 63:4).” 

More on this in a future post. 

Consider this challenge:

Take your eyes off your circumstances and pray about how you can serve God’s people with service and hospitality. Talk to your spouse about praying together.

Please share this post with someone who might benefit.

How can I pray for you? Email me at hello@infertilityprayerresource.com,

Peace be with you,



P.S. You won’t want to miss the following posts that will equip you for your journey:

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